D&AD — Where are we up to?

annie counsell
1 min readJul 20, 2021

In the past couple of week, myself, Jessie and Katie have all been shifting our attention to our D&AD Brief which was supplied by The Case for Her alongside Refinery29. Since my last reflective post, we have made many many developments. Most notably in our branding and further assets that we will be producing.

In terms of our branding, we have gone for a much brighter, vibrant choice of design styles, thanks to Jessie. We’ve gone down this route to remain vibrant and distinctive within our branding but also to make sure that our campaign is gender-inclusive and not exclusively female. By also making the branding really bright, we are aiming to make the subject of the menopause less heavy and taboo and instead, more flamboyant and appealing. Jessie has also really helped with the storyboard, guiding me and Katie in which direction to go in terms of scripting and video editing.

Meanwhile, Katie has been doing an insane job on our submission video. So far, she has completed a really successful beginning, that focusses on the symptoms of the menopause, alongside some animated infographics that help portray the facts.

Alongside this, I’ve been focussing on scripting our video and the voice over. Again, the scripting element was helped by Jessie, as most of the structure was already completed, however, I just went over the finer details of . In the next coming days, myself and jessie will be focussing on the PSDs and the final JPEGs to go into our video submission.

