Peer Feedback — 8.02.’21

annie counsell
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

Yesterday, as part of our group work we had a peer review from other groups across Visual Communication to help analyse which areas are working well and where improvements need to take place.

I found that this was so helpful, despite being a little stressful to hear. The areas that a lot of our peers agreed was working well was our research and that we had covered a lot of areas, which was really beneficial to hear. However, on the flipside and more constructive sides of things, our peers explained that our sense of direction was a bit off, clarity wasn’t fully there, that they didn’t think we had communicated as effectively as we could’ve.

Above is the positive feedback we recieved.
Above is the areas of improvement that were suggested by our peers.

Though it is never easy responding to feedback that is negative, I was so pleased to recieve such honest and focussed feedback. Personally, for group work I think this is so helpful as, honestly, it causes everyone in the group to get it together a bit. From here, as a group, we’ve taken on board everything that has been fed back to us — we are beginning to refine our idea and focus in on students, rather than tackle a whole subject.

