Peer Feedback — John and Jessie

annie counsell
Nov 16, 2020

As part of Monday in uni, we peer reviewed to get a fresh set of eyes on our work to show areas that are strong and areas that need development. Below are the peer forms that Jessie and John both filled in for me as part of this feedback.

Jessie’s Feedback -

Above is the feedback that Jessie gave me in response to my editorial so far. Jessie was so good and helpful with this particular task, and was the honesty I really wanted and needed to hear. I forgot to write the feedback on the sheet but my next steps based on Jessie’s feedback will be to complete more pages of course, to add a bleed to my editorial, and to explore typographic options a little more for quotes.

John’s Feedback —

In terms of John’s feedback, I’ll try and take the yellow out of the gradient. I actually agreed with him too, as the the yellow is a fourth colour that doesn’t need to be there — it also clashed with the type colour too. Again, John had the same feedback of get more of the editorial done.

